Oneness Center Bern

Every branch of human knowledge
if traced up to its source and final principles 
vanishes into mystery.
Arthur Machen

Ursula Hofer

Co-founder of the Oneness Center, Bachelor of Arts in nursing and health care, teacher for technical college. Trained Tai Ji teacher, healthcare consultant, continuing education in massage techniques and working with the breath. She has worked in hospitals and schools and has helped found healthcare centers. Contributes to the work of the Golden Sufi Center in Europe, teaches meditation groups.


Franziska Espinoza

Co-founder of the Oneness Center, mother of three children, manager and trained in business mediation and organizational change management. Master of Arts in literature, editor and technical consultant. Her corporate experience of more than fifteen years includes executive functions in the IT and telecommunication sector. She has been practicing meditation for many years.

Simone Frei

Matura, Business College, Bachelor of Arts PHR in Primary Education. At the Oneness Center responsible for organisation and administration. Therapist for Chinese Medicin and Integrative Foot Reflexology.